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YA Scavenger Hunt Comes to an End - Fall 2020

Much like the show Supernatural, YASH, the scavenger *book* "hunt" is coming to a close. Oh, an, which breaks my heart. So now there's no excuse not you in on the action! This is your last chance. Check it out!

The YA Scavenger Hunt, otherwise known as YASH, is almost here! September 29th, 2020, to be exact. Are you excited? Are you looking for more adventure and fun, because online schooling has been such a drag? Pandemic BLUES getting you down? Or maybe you just need a good old-fashioned break from reality, or real life, or work. Or you might just really love solving puzzles.

For those of you who are super excited to know what to look forward to, here’s a sneak peek of the teams. And guess what? My team color is BLUE. What Books Can I Win During YASH? Like 60 FREE books from 60 incredible authors! The Outcasts is included in this giveaway! Can you see my book, and the rest of the cool books below:

Blue Team!

Sept. 29th the hunt is officially on. Check out my website on that date at 12:00PM Pacific time., or to make sure you don’t miss out, you can head over to the YA Scavenger Hunt page (, scroll down, and sign up for notifications with your email on the right, or you can sign up for my personal newsletter or find it on my website and I’ll be sure to let you know when the hunt begins. I can't wait for this HUNT.

Thanks again for checking my blog out! Y'all are loved and appreciated.

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1 commento

21 ott 2021

Hello mate greatt blog

Mi piace
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